268 words | |
196 | One Syllable Words |
52 | Two Syllable Words |
20 | More Than Two Syllable Words |
Small words work!
Consumer Behavior

- The set of actions that make up an individual's consideration, purchase and use of products and services.
- Includes the purchase as well as consumption of the products and services.
- What is motivating the customer to buy. This enables you to convert features into benefits for that particular individual
- In which step of the purchase decision process is the buyer.

The Message Itself
Evaluating the Prospect's Decoding
- Words
- Distractions
- Timing
- Interruptions
- Technical Erudition
- Poor Listening Habits
- Make Use of Feedback - your message has been transmitted successfully when the prospect's understanding of the message is the same as yours.

- Body language includes facial expressions, shifts in posture and stance, as well as the movement of body limbs.
- Understand the Body Language of Gestures
- Body Signals
- Hand Movements
- Your mannerisms should be calm and unhurried.
- Facial expressions convey a larger percentage of the nonverbal message than body movement does.
- If you can read a prospect's body language and control your own body signals then you are more likely to be understood.
- Warning signals that the prospect is either not understanding or not accepting the message.
- Rubbing the nose.
- Leaning back in the chair with hands behind the head.
- Resting the head in the hands with elbows on the desk.
- Finger under collar or rubbing back of neck.
6.Analyzing the walk.
7.Biomotion lab.
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