An Examination of Different Leadership Styles
It is the good communication in leadership styles.It is the good communication in examination of different leadership styles.The successes and failures of projects, organizations, community development and even wars have all been attributed to the effectiveness of the leadership in place at that time. It is then with no surprise that leadership has been the subject of study throughout history. Thomas Cronin stated, “Leadership is one of the most widely talked about subjects and at the same time one of the most elusive and puzzling” (1984, as cited in Wren, 1995, p. 27).
Not only is it important to examine classic leadership theories to understand the concepts from a historical perspective; it is equally important to continue these leadership studies due to changing times and subsequent changing needs. Only by examination of early theories and their impact on more recent writings can we continue the development of leadership theories and apply them to contemporary issues and challenges.
Leadership Models
While many studies have focused on the effectiveness of transactional versus transforming leadership theories, other studies have related transformational and charismatic leadership models. Both transforming and charismatic leadership theories have significant relevance to contemporary leadership issues. Both models attempt to gain followership by building excitement and both models require vision.
In contrast, charismatic leadership inspires followership but mostly at a superficial level. Yet charisma is certainly a trait of the transformational leader. Perhaps another ingredient, though to a lesser degree, within the previously noted leadership theories is the situational leadership theory. Indeed, as with many leadership theories, the behaviors or traits that a leader exhibits will likely be most effective if the situation is observed and taken into account.
Leadership Issues and Challenges
Leadership theories of the past are still highly relevant when considering leadership challenges today. Not only must leaders be solution-oriented and task-driven, they must keep in mind the needs of the individuals. Leaders must be visionaries, role models and effective team builders. Leaders must be able to influence and motivate followers. A situational leadership approach is highly relevant for contemporary leadership challenges when different leadership skills should be applied to different situations.
While the transactional approach may be effective for some, charisma and transformational styles may be more appropriate at times. With the pressure to achieve that exists today, leaders must practice various leadership styles (transactional, transformational, and charismatic) based on the situation to achieve the most effective results.Transformational Leadership
Transformational leadership skills are highly effective in meeting contemporary leadership challenges. Transformational leaders create vision, exude confidence, encourage creativity and nurture individuals. However, true leadership success will be defined by how well a leader can adapt his leadership style to the situation. Leadership success will also be reflected in how a leader can adapt to ever-changing needs and demands of both organization and follower.
The transformational leadership model seems likely to remain effective for years to come, but charisma is a much needed ingredient to the successful application of the transformational approach. While leadership studies will continue in efforts to resolve those unanswered questions surrounding the most effective leadership approach, perhaps the best answer lies in the fact that there is no one best approach.
What must be recognized is that change is constant and leaders must be able to adapt their leadership style to try to achieve the most effective result possible. Indeed, leaders must remember that what worked in the past may not work in the future and they must be ready to grow, move and change with the organization to be most effective.
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